We (Quinn, JunYen, Holim and me) went to Penang by Holim's My V~
Then we stop at Bidor makan "duck leg mee~"

Sampai Mei Hu already 2pm+
Keh Ma & Keh Pa bought durian for us again~
walao~ me and see yee 2 ppl makan 3 durian! >.<" that time i sick somemore~ sorethroat+ flu.. really "use poison to attack poison" 以毒攻毒。。XD

Then we went to dinner with KehPa, KehMa, JianLing, MeiQi and MeiHui ErJie, somewhere around Komtar there.. Name "new gold mountain" 新金山。。near 火锅之家。。
There got Pizza super duper nice!!! can fight with Pizza Hut jor!!
They got secret skill~ which is burning wood to toast their pizza!
25/11/2009 Wednesday
Play basketball

Multimedia show in school

Help KehMa to make orange jelly~
"Jungle trecking"
Bak Kut Teh in Su Yi Jie house
Celebrate Pai Heng's Bday in Lily Jie's house

Supper at "Kayu" Mamak

26/11/2009 Thursday
Went to ErJie's centre (托儿所)
lunch with MeiQi, KehPa and KehMa..
Keh Ma bought Tambun pia for us..
Photograph with KehMa.. Then say goodbye to her ='(

Heading to TengHau's home..
Then it's time to TAO!! wuhoo~ RM50++

After Tao, we plan to watch Twilight~
We're so lucky cuz the movie delayed to 12.30am, then only we able to buy the tickets
But we're so unlucky also, cuz the movie delayed AGAIN... till 1am only they start to show..SIAO!!
Somemore this movie super sien.... =.=|| beh tahan!!!
Finally we watch till 3am...OMG...

27/11/2009 Friday
Breakfast at Restoran Lin 七廊粿條汤 in BW
nice eh the 猪肉碎

Ferry Ferry time~
Heading to Penang Island~ "Bu~~ Bu~~"
Kenny's car cant start in the Ferry!! Fuiyo, chi gik!!

Before we send see yee to airport, we went to snake temple..
The person in the picture super look alike with Haw Wooi!! XD

After sending see yee's to airport, our next target is Jalan Penang's cendol!! wuhoo~

Then is Chee Cheong Fan!! NICE AR!!
JunYen brought us to buy coconut tart~ tasty~ yum yum~~

We went back to cendol's place to eat char kuey teow~
RM4... expensive neh~ but quite nice, bcuz of its egg!
and accidentally met Su Mei in the shop!! Fuiyo...geng!!

Then is to time have a rest for our stomach~~
so we went to Kek Lok Si temple~~

After buying some souveniers (Tambun Pia), our next target is....
Tissue Laksa in Air Itam!!
2nd time to taste it~ yum yum~~

Then it's time to O Jien and Char Kuey Kak!!
This time eat this O Jien no need to feel so GELI already...
Because this time got ppl can share with me..LOL
Char Kuey Kak is bought from Air Itam..
Near Zhi Cong's nenek's house there..
Also near "Google Earth Curry Mee"..HAHAHAHA~

Then is movie time again~
we watch Ninja Assassin.. 11.45pm
waliao...cut ppl like cuting Tou Fu... =.=||
Bleeding like Tomato Juice.. =.=|||
28/11/2009 Sunday
Breakfast at dunno what name's DIMSUM~~ (in BW)
not bad~ there really "ppl mountain ppl sea"~ wakaka

Then TengHau brought us to 斗母娘娘宫。。
When we reach there, my mouth memang bukak big big!! (O 0 O)"

The weather is super hot~
Then Teng Hau brought us to drink air mata kucing!!
wa~~ nice dao~~~ XD
"ah~~ 清凉舒爽"
zhi cong say sry again...LOL!

Lunch time~~
We went to Lunas, Kedah to eat.....roasted duck!!
after that, lagi chi gik! TH's car cant start~ XD
2 kali kat penang~~ wuhoo~~ nice experience~~
Then Kenny balik lu~

Next station is SEAFOOD TIME~~!!!! OH YEAH!
But MMD onli (Ma Ma Dei)
Seafood tak cukup fresh...aiks~
but nvm, got super nice view!! XD love it~~ ^^

After sending zhi cong to take ferry back to Penang Island, we went to Autocity again~ cuz last time Holim and Frederick was sick, din follow us to TAO..we walk walk walk, eventually decided to go back to eat TOM YUM MEE!!! XD
Fuiyo~~ memang banyak ppl willing to wait for almost 1 hour to eat this tom yum mee~
although they use only cintan mee to cook, but their fried fish memang BAGUS!! super nice~
my bowl cost RM6.50... *burp* full full full... >.<"

after supper, went back home and watch BattleGround 舞极限... till 4am... wa....we really siao kia~~ XD
29/11/2009 Monday
It's time to go back KL~~
Brunch at BW~
TH brought us to eat yam rice+pork meat soup+curryfish head!!
woa!! that curryfish head BAGUS!! yummy~~

After brunch, say sayonara to Penang lu~~ XD
Unluckily, highway JAM!!
we spend 5.5 hours to reach KL.. =.=||
Then we took our dinner in Chi Chiong Kai~~
We ordered Gong Fu Chao and Fook Kin Min At "gam lin gei" 金莲记
Finally I can taste this Fook Kin Min T.T
nice!! XD

When I reached my home, almost 10pm!! siao... ><" and these are my Pia Pia for my family.. hehehe

*Finally I've finish my post... =.=||
nice post... hehe
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